Coach Karl's Introduction

to Youth Soccer

(Two ½ Hour Audio Downloads)

If you want to learn about coaching youth soccer FAST this is the download for you.

Koach Karl see his bio does an outstanding job starting with a discussion of philosophy and approach to coaching youth soccer and continuing through a great description of how to teach positions and tactics to kids.

Koach Karl's starting point for everything is that soccer should be FUN for the kids and I wholeheartedly agree. If kids find the game a lot of fun, they will play more "street soccer" on their own and naturally learn to be better soccer players.

This is my fifth year coaching a soccer team. I can tell you for a fact that I learned more from these audio downloads regarding key skills and tactics for kids than I have learned in the previous years put together. If only I had this much education five years ago!

Who should listen to Koach Karl?

Everyone, of course, but especially parents and beginning coaches. You need to know the FUNdamentals as soon as possible so your soccer team or your child can benefit from it. This audio introduction will give you as a parent the knowledge to work on key skills with your child.

As a matter of fact, this set of audio files is also part of the Clueless Parents 3-pack. Click on the link to check it out. This is an outstanding buy and will educate you on much more than just youth soccer skills and tactics.

The last time I listened to these files I tried to capture some of the major categories or ideas that were presented by Koach Karl. Here is a brief summary of what you will get on these audio files:

Audio File 1

  • Introduction and guarantee
  • Philosophy and approach to coaching soccer
  • What is the main objective of the game of soccer?
  • When do the players actually learn how to play soccer?
  • How to use a soccer practice as a "rehearsal" for game day
  • The "theme based" soccer practice
  • Key defensive skills
  • Key attacking skills
  • Audio File 2
  • Terminology in soccer
  • Proper terms for soccer positions
  • How each position should be played
  • Responsibilities in the 3 soccer field zones
  • How to teach the responsibilities
  • How to measure success as a coach
  • Final words of advice for youth coaches
  • Learn about coaching youth soccer the easy way - from an expert!

    Buy the two 1/2 hour audio downloads now!

    ONLY $9.97
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