Fun Games for Soccer Training
Book by Joseph A. Luxbacher

Review by Eric Blommer

This work contains 82 games for teaching some aspect of soccer. It simply lists the games one after the other without much thought to page breaks. Each game has a Title, Objectives, Equipment, Organization, Directions and Coaching Points. This is the sort of stuff you find in most coaching books. The games can be useful, and are certainly fun, but all too often the beginning coach has no idea how to organize the games into a coherent practice. This book does not help in the organizing department at all. The games seem to be included in a purely random order. I would rather see the games grouped by the technique, tactic or fitness component they emphasize. Or, at least, provide a cross referencing index with this information.

Having said all that, however, I do like this book. The games are very well presented and the many I have used over the years have certainly been well liked by the youngsters. I feel that if a coach is uncertain about their coaching ability they should conduct their practices as a sequence of games and let the game be the teacher. It would be best, though, if all the games in one practice related to the same topic. There are enough games in this book that this objective could be easily met with a little effort from the coach. The bottom line is that I recommend this book as a second book for new coaches and for any coach looking for some fun ideas to liven up their practices. Even High School age players have enjoyed some of these games.

Other Details

Paperback: 127 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.50 x 9.00 x 6.00 
Publisher: Human Kinetics Pub; (December 1987)
ISBN: 0880112832

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